If you have a deal that needs to close right away and you can’t wait weeks or months for mortgage financing, then a fast mortgage closing is what you’re looking for.
Do you fall under one of these scenarios?
- The financing you had arranged just fell through and you need to replace it before the time limit on the deal lapses.
- You may even be in the middle of closing right now and just discovered that the mortgage you thought you had in place will not close now for some reason.
- You are in the middle of a construction project and have run out of money or can’t get an advance out of your institutional construction loan.
- You are being foreclosed on by a mortgage lender and need to pay them out in the next few days to save your home.
- You have an offer to purchase on a home, but the institutional financing hasn’t come through and you’re scrambling to get money in place before the offer lapses.
- You have a commitment in your business you need to pay off and the only source of capital is the equity in your home, but you have to get everything done in a matter of days.

If your situation sounds like any of the above, give me a call right away so that I can quickly assess your situation and provide immediate options for you to consider.
I have successfully gotten funding in place in as little as 48 hours for some of my clients.
If you have your information in order and have a property that has some equity in it in a decent market area, then there are likely going to be options we can look at in the next few hours.
Give me a call right now at 647 933 1090 and lets see if we can put something together in the time you have to work with.
There is no cost or obligation for this initial discussion and if I can’t help you, I’ll tell you right away so I don’t waste any of the time you have to work with.