Fast Mortgage Loan

“If you Need To Secure a Mortgage Right Now For Whatever Reason, Then A Fast Mortgage Loan Is Likely The Solution”

There can be many reasons for needing a fast mortgage loan… The bank is foreclosing and you’re trying to save your home; there is a great real estate deal that you are trying to close; you have a commitment to purchase a condo and your original mortgage commitment has fallen through; you’ve run out of time trying to get the best bank mortgage deal; your construction project has run out of money, etc.

It doesn’t really matter what the circumstances are. Bottom line, you need a mortgage and you need it now.

A fast mortgage loan comes from a private lender. Private mortgages are typically the only type of mortgage than can be put in place in 48 hours or less.

If you don’t need it that fast, then there may be other options to consider. But if your time requirement is less than a week, then a private mortgage loan is going to be your option for a quick mortgage solution.

Fast private money will almost always be local, meaning that the lender will have to be situated in your geographic area. By having an existing knowledge of the local market, a private lender can make a decision fast and hopefully be able to provide what you’re looking for.

If you start talking to private lending sources that are not doing business in your locale right now, then the process is not going to be as fast so make sure that the financing source your spending your precious time on is local.

The hard part about locating fast private money is that many private lenders do not directly advertise their programs and instead work through mortgage brokers to gain access to the market.

So you’re likely going to have to find a mortgage broker that has this type of resource in your area.

You’re also going to want to work with a mortgage broker that is used to providing a fast turnaround and is good at managing the overall process versus someone who may attempt this occasionally. You only have so much time, so its important to be working with people who are really good at getting a fast mortgage loan approved and in place in a few days.

If you are in the Greater Toronto Area and are in need of a fast mortgage loan, I suggest that you give me a call right now so I can quickly assess you situation and provide the most relevant options quickly so you’re not wasting any time.

Click Here To Speak With Mortgage Broker Joe Walsh

About the Author Joe Walsh

I'm a Toronto Mortgage Broker that arranges mortgage solutions on residential and commercial real estate property. With over 30 years of mortgage financing experience, I'm able to quickly assess your financing requirements and provide relevant solutions for your immediate consideration. Joe Walsh Google+ YouTube Channel