London Private Mortgage

“Let Us Help You With Your London Private Mortgage Needs”

We have London private mortgage lenders that are both individuals and larger corporations focused on placing private mortgage financing into the local market place.

Our focus for private mortgage lending is in the Southwestern Ontario area in order to make sure that we have sufficient sources to cover whatever needs our clients may have.

London private mortgage lending, like in most other areas, is going to be somewhat dependent on the amount of financing required, the type of property, and the exit strategy for repaying the private lender at the end of the loan term.

The primary applications for private mortgage loans are construction financing, bridge financing, and distress situations. Like bank mortgage financing, the interest rate is related to risk and as the risk level of a potential financing application goes up so does the cost of borrowing.

Most private mortgages are for a one year interest term, although lenders will look at two or more terms and some will even consider an amortization repayment schedule to allow you to pay down the principal.

London private mortgages are also getting more popular with solid commercial property opportunities where the potential borrowers do not want to risk running out of time closing a real estate purchase or missing an important deadline requiring a cash trying to close a commercial mortgage deal through the conventional banking system.

One of the keys to successfully locating and securing a private mortgage in the time you have to work with and the rates and fees you’re after is to work with an experienced commercial mortgage broker who can get you working with a relevant private lender that is not only interested in your deal, but can provide funds that meet your target requirements.

While there are more and more mortgage investment corporations that you can work with directly, private mortgage lending is still mostly provided by individual lenders that access the market through mortgage brokers. And even though most mortgage brokers will claim to have access to private funding, they may only be working with one lender or mortgage corp, or working through another mortgage broker.

In either event, the chances of getting a good lender match in the time available is going to be low.

If you need a London private mortgage, I suggest that you give me a call so I can quickly assess your situation and review relevant private mortgage financing options for your immediate consideration.

Click Here To Speak With Private Mortgage Broker Joe Walsh

About the Author Joe Walsh

I'm a Toronto Mortgage Broker that arranges mortgage solutions on residential and commercial real estate property. With over 30 years of mortgage financing experience, I'm able to quickly assess your financing requirements and provide relevant solutions for your immediate consideration. Joe Walsh Google+ YouTube Channel

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