When seeking a residential or commercial mortgage over the internet, there are basically three different types of online strategies you’re going to come across.
The most common mortgage related web site strategy is for a lender or mortgage broker to put up a basic brochure site to provide very basic mortgage information, perhaps have a rate quote section, and offer contact information to you to contact the firm or individual. Most of these web sites are template driven and provided on mass volume to the companies or individuals in the business as a way for them to be found. Once built, the sites tend to become static sign posts for the business with very little if any additional information being added for months or even years.
The second type of mortgage web site is the online lead generation type site. These sites are growing in numbers as the technically savvy develop robust and interactive websites that are designed to capture your contact information and as much financial information you’re willing to provide and then selling or brokering the leads to mortgage brokers they work with. These sites tend to be nameless and faceless as the developers are not themselves mortgage brokers or have any type of significant financial expertise. They are predominantly marketers providing lead generation services to mortgage broker. While there is nothing wrong with this type of approach per say, it doesn’t let you select the mortgage broker and instead works off the premise that the mortgage industry is 100% commodity, that all brokers are the same, and there is not going to be any additional information required beyond what they collect from you to get you what you’re looking for.
The third type of site is one that more clearly promotes interactively with its visitors, provides solid educational information, adds new and relevant content on a regular basis, introduces you with the people you would be working with, invites communication in the way you prefer, and gives you the option of taking the conversation or inquiry off line if you so choose.
Needless to say, the last category is the ongoing focus of this website. We recognize that the web is a growing first choice for a lot of people to find information, do research, and conduct business. At the same time, we also know that most mortgages have unique considerations for the applicant and that there can be twists and turns in the process before you achieve the desired result.
We invite our visitors into a conversation about mortgages and their requirements and try to continually figure out the best way to interact with them so that the best result can be achieved. Getting a mortgage IS a big deal for most people and the process should not be over simplified regardless of how badly most people would like it to be.
Biased as we are, the first two approaches do not provide much value to the customer.
Click Here to Speak With Joe Walsh, Your Toronto Mortgage Broker
I'm a Toronto Mortgage Broker that arranges mortgage solutions on residential and commercial real estate property. With over 30 years of mortgage financing experience, I'm able to quickly assess your financing requirements and provide relevant solutions for your immediate consideration. Joe Walsh Google+ YouTube Channel